The Distillery Restaurants Corp. — Accessible Customer Service Plan

DRC Accessibility Statement

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

Statement of Commitment

The Distillery Restaurants Corp. (DRC) is committed to ensuring equal access andparticipation for people with disabilities. We are committed to ensuring people living withdisabilities can visit our restaurants and event spaces in a way that allows them tomaintain their dignity and independence.

The DRC is committed to meeting our current and ongoing obligations under the Human Rights Code respecting non discrimination. We believe in integration, and we arecommitted to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and by meeting our accessibility requirements under Ontario’s accessibility laws. 

The DRC understands that obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians withdisabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) and its accessibility standards do not substitute or limit itsobligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code or obligations to people withdisabilities under any other law. 

The DRC is committed to exceptional service in providing goods, services or facilities toall customers including people with disabilities. Our accessible customer service policiesare consistent with the principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality ofopportunity for people with disabilities.

Information and Communication

We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account theirdisability. Upon request, we will provide any information made to the public inaccessible alternative formats or with communication support. We will work with theperson with disabilities to determine what method of communication works for them.

Assistive Devices

The Distillery Restaurants Corp. welcomes people with disabilities to use assistivedevices to obtain, use or benefit from our goods and services.People with disabilities may use their personal assistive devices when accessing ourgoods, services or facilities. In cases where the assistive device presents a significantand unavoidable health or safety concern or may not be permitted for other reasons,other measures will be used to ensure the person with a disability can access ourgoods, services or facilities. We ensure that our staff are trained and familiar with various assistive devices we haveon site or that we provide that may be used by customers with disabilities whileaccessing our goods, services or facilities.

Support Persons

The Distillery Restaurants Corp. welcomes persons with disabilities who areaccompanied by a support person. At no time will a person with a disability who isaccompanied by a support person be prevented from having access to his or her support person.

Service Animals

The Distillery Restaurants Corp. welcomes persons with disabilities who areaccompanied by a service animal on parts of the premises open to the public. When wecannot easily identify that an animal is a service animal, our staff may ask a person toprovide documentation from a regulated health professional. A regulated health professional is defined as a member of one of the following colleges:

● College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario

● College of Chiropractors of Ontario

● College of Nurses of Ontario

● College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario

● College of Optometrists of Ontario

● College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario

● College of Physiotherapists of Ontario

● College of Psychologists of Ontario

● College of Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health Therapists of Ontario

Notice of Temporary Disruptions

The Distillery Restaurants Corp. will provide public notice in the event of a planned orunexpected disruption in accessible services or facilities. This notice could be posted onthe front door of our premises or the closest possible accessible area with informationregarding the reason for the disruption, the anticipated duration of the disruption andalternate facilities or services, where available. Additionally, and when possible, we willnote a disruption to accessible services or facilities on our website and/or our social media platforms.


We are committed to training all staff and volunteers in accessible customer service,other Ontario’s accessibility standards and aspects of the Ontario Human Rights Codethat relate to persons with disabilities. In addition, we will train:

a) all persons who participate in developing the organization’s policies; and

b) all other persons who provide goods, services or facilities on behalf of the organization

Training of our employees and volunteers on accessibility relates to their specific roles.Training includes:

● purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and therequirements of the Customer Service Standards

● our policies related to the Customer Service Standards

● how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities

● how to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device orrequire the assistance of a service animal or a support person

● what to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing ourorganization’s goods, services or facilities.

We train every person as soon as practicable after being hired and provide training inrespect of any changes to the policies.

We maintain records of the training provided including the dates on which the trainingwas provided and the number of individuals to whom it was provided.


We will notify employees, potential hires and the public that accommodations can bemade during recruitment and hiring. We notify staff that supports are available for thosewith disabilities and put in place a process to develop individual accommodation plansfor employees that require them. Where needed, we will also provide customizedemergency information to help an employee with a disability during an emergency.

Feedback Process

We encourage our employees, guests and anyone visiting our offices andestablishments to provide feedback on their experiences regarding the accessibilityservices provided by us, which the Distillery Restaurants Corp. will respond to. Guestsmay provide feedback by:

● Speaking directly to a manager while on the restaurant premise

● Calling the restaurant or our head office directly (416 203 2363)

● Writing to us at 9 Trinity St., Suite 201, Toronto, ON, M5A 3C4

● Visiting the feedback page on our website

Notice of Availability

The Distillery Restaurants Corp. will provide this document in an accessible format or with communication support, on request. We will consult with the person making therequest to determine the suitability of the format or communication support. We will provide the accessible format in a timely manner and at no additional cost. We are committed to developing customer service policies that adhere to the requirements of AODA as well as promote the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. Any policy or practice that is against this goal will be reviewed and modified where possible. Copies of our accessible customer service plan are available upon request. Please contact us at, by phone at 416.203.2363 or by mail at 9 Trinity St., Suite 201, Toronto, ON, M5A 3C4.

Pure Spirits Oyster House & Grill

Main entrance is wide enough to allow safe passage of persons who use mobility aids.

● There is no automatic door opener

● Level path to main dining room.

● Some areas of the dining room are not wheelchair accessible; however, alternative wheelchair-accessible seating is available.

● The bar is not wheelchair accessible.


● Public designated accessible washroom stalls are available.

● There is no automatic door opener.

El Catrin


  • Main entrance is wide enough to allow safe passage of persons who use mobility aids.

  • Main entrance has an automatic door opener.

  • Level path to main dining room.

  • Some areas of the dining room are not wheelchair accessible; however, alternative wheelchair-accessible seating is available.

  • The bar is not wheelchair accessible.


  • Designated accessible washroom stalls are available.

  • There is no automatic door opener.

Cluny Bistro & Boulangerie


  • Main entrance is wide enough to allow safe passage of persons who use mobilityaids.

  • There is no automatic door opener

  • Level path to main dining room.

  • Some areas of the dining room are not wheelchair accessible; however,alternative wheelchair-accessible seating is available.

  • The oyster bar is wheelchair accessible.

  • The lounge bar is not wheelchair accessible.


  • Designated accessible washroom stalls are available.

  • There is no automatic door opener.

Madrina Bar y Tapas


  • Main entrance is wide enough to allow safe passage of persons who use mobility aids.

  • There is no automatic door opener.

  • Level path to main dining room.

  • Some areas of the dining room are not wheelchair accessible; however,alternative wheelchair-accessible seating is available.

  • The bar is not wheelchair accessible.


  • Designated accessible washroom stalls are available.

  • There is no automatic door opener.



  • Main entrance is wide enough to allow safe passage of persons who use mobilityaids.

  • There is no automatic door opener.

  • Level path to main dining room.


  • Designated accessible washroom stalls are available.

  • There is no automatic door opener.



  • This location is not accessible.

Please note that The Distillery Restaurants Corp. is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We are committed to ensuring people with disabilities can visit our restaurants and event spaces in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. In creating our restaurants, we had to work within the limits of redesigning heritage buildings, and have done our best to ensure the integrity of the building, while being able to provide access to our guests with disabilities.

District Pizza


  • Main entrance is wide enough to allow safe passage of persons who use mobility aids.

  • There is no automatic door opener.


  • Public designated accessible washroom stalls are available.

  • There is no automatic door opener.



  • Main entrance is wide enough to allow safe passage of persons who use mobility aids.

  • Main entrance has an automatic door opener.

  • Dining room is fully accessible.


  • Public designated accessible washroom stalls are available.

  • There is no automatic door opener.


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